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Phone: 410-643-5500

Hours of Operation

Mon.-Thurs. 7a-7p
Friday 7a-2p

Post Operation Instructions

After Extraction

Continue to bite on the cotton that has been placed after your extraction. This applied pressure will control the bleeding at the extraction site. Bite on cotton for 30 minutes to 1 hour. The cotton may be red or have a clot attached to it; this is normal. You may have a red color in your saliva for the next 24 hours, this does not mean it is bleeding. If bleeding does persist after a few hours use a warm tea bag, place it on the extraction site and bite down for 20 minutes with pressure.

Using ice will reduce and help prevent swelling and minimize discomfort. Place ice and water in a plastic bag and wrap it in a paper towel. Hold this against the side of your face adjacent to the extraction site for 20 minutes then remove for 10 minutes and repeat for approximately 4 hours.

DO NOT rinse, spit, drink through a straw or drink any hot beverages for 24 hours after the extraction. This may cause the clot to dislodge and cause bleeding. No smoking, vaping or alcohol (including mouthwashes) for at least 24 hours. A light diet, keeping food out of the extraction site is advised for the first 24 hours. Softer foods and chewing on the opposite side of the extraction is recommended for 3-4 days.

You may brush and floss but avoid the surgical site.

Medications- take all your normal medications with some food to prevent upset stomach

For discomfort you may take what you normally would use for a headache such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Acetaminophen such as Tylenol is also acceptable.

Recommended dose for post extraction pain:

· Combine- every 6-8 hours for the first 3 days

o 2 x(200mg) Ibuprofen

o 2 x(325mg) Extra strength Tylenol

Irrigating instructions:

Gentle warm saltwater rinses should start 24hrs after surgery

· Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt into 8oz of warm water

· Gently rinse after each meal and before bed

· Do not use syringe or water pick

· Allow for water to fall out of mouth, DO NOT SPIT

· Continue for 2 weeks or until wounds are healed

Avoid physical activity the first 24-48 hours after surgery. Keep head elevated when lying down.

Call Us When

· Swelling, tenderness, or pain increases after first 3 days

· Persistent fever over 102*

· You have nausea/vomiting

After Composite / White Fillings

When an anesthetic has been used, your lips and tongue may be numb for several hours after the appointment. Avoid any chewing and hot beverages until the numbness has completely worn off. It is very easy to bite or burn your tongue or lip while you are numb.

It is normal to experience some hot, cold & pressure sensitivity after your appointment. Injection sites may also be sore. Ibuprofen (Motrin), Tylenol or aspirin (one tablet every 3-4 hours as needed for pain) work well to alleviate the tenderness. If pressure sensitivity persists beyond a few days or if the sensitivity to hot or cold increases, contact our office at Eastern Shore Dental Care, 410-643-5500

You may chew with your composite fillings as soon as the anesthetic completely wears off, since they are fully set when you leave the office.

If your bite feels uneven, if you have persistent pain, or if you have any other questions or concerns, please call our office at Eastern Shore Dental Care, 410-643-5500

After Crown and Bridge Appointments

Crowns and bridges usually take two or three appointments to complete. In the first visit, the teeth are prepared and molds of the mouth are taken. Temporary crowns or bridges are placed to protect the teeth while the custom restoration is being made. Since the teeth will be anesthetized, the tongue, lips and roof of the mouth may be numb. Please refrain from eating and drinking hot beverages until the numbness is completely worn off.

Occasionally a temporary crown may come off. Call us if this happens and bring the temporary crown with you so we can re-cement it. It is very important for the temporary to stay in place, as it will prevent other teeth from moving and compromising the fit of your final restoration.

To keep your temporaries in place, avoid eating sticky foods (gum), hard foods, and if possible, chew on the opposite side of your mouth. It is important to brush normally, but floss carefully and don’t pull up on the floss which may dislodge the temporary but pull the floss out from the side of the temporary crown.

It is normal to experience some temperature and pressure sensitivity after each appointment. The sensitivity should subside a few weeks after the placement of the final restoration. Mild pain medications may also be used as directed by our office.

If your bite feels uneven, if you have persistent pain, or if you have any other questions or concerns, please call our office.

After Root Canal Appointments

Root Canal Therapy usually takes one or two appointments to complete. The diseased nerve tissue has been removed from the tooth and the inside of the tooth was smoothed and cleansed of infection. Finally, we used a sealer to seal the tooth at the root.

When your tooth was infected, some infection was spread out of the root into the bone. Until this infection is healed, you should expect tenderness and discomfort. We may have prescribed you an antibiotic and pain medication for you to help with these symptoms.

During the period of healing it is very important to take care of yourself as you would in treating any other infection in your body. It is important that you eat properly, drink plenty of water and finish all of your medication.

Now that your tooth has had the nerve and nutrient supply removed and is no longer a “live” tooth, it will tend to become brittle. A crown is now necessary to protect the tooth and provide the needed strength for everyday stress.

With proper care and normal healing responses from your body, this tooth can provide good use for a long period of time. If you have any questions or problems concerning your treatment, please call our office.